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Forrester includes Promethium in Now Tech: Machine Learning Data Catalogs

Brett Arnott, VP of Marketing

Forrester's Michele Goetz has included Promethium in the Now Tech: Machine Learning Data Catalogs, Q4 2020. Forrester's Overview Of 27 Machine Learning Data Catalog Providers.

The report, published October 20, 2020, describes what a Machine Learning Data Catalog (MLDC) is by first highlighting the problems solved by MLDCs then by illustrating the technology trends that depend on the MLDC.

More Than a Machine Learning Data Catalog

It's true that Promethium can deliver the value of the Machine Learning Data Catalog. While it's not clear in the report, Promethium is much more than a MLDC. Promethium is a single solution that helps data teams discover, prepare, query, and visualize data in minutes instead of months without the traditional approach of moving and transforming data first.

With workflow built in Promethium solves a difficult problem for true self service and can help Chief Data and Analytics Officers create true a Center of Excellence.

Read more about why the traditional data catalog is not enough here.

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